1989 C. C. Carpenter, J. J. Krupa. Oklahoma Herpetology: An Annotated Bibliography. University of Oklahoma Press 274p.
2013 E. Reece and J. J. Krupa. The Embattled Wilderness: the Natural and Human History of Robinson Forest and the Fight for its Future (forward by Wendell Berry). University of Georgia Press.
Research Publications
2019 J. J. Krupa. Facultative perenniality in the dwarf sundew (Drosera brevifolia). Castenea. (In press).
2019 J.J. Krupa, J.M. Thomas. Is the Common Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) Carnivorous or was Francis Darwin Wrong? Botany. 97: 321–328
2018 B.L. Slabach, J.J. Krupa. Range Expansion of Sigmodon hispidus (Hispid Cotton Rat) into Reclaimed Coal Surface-mines in Southeastern Kentucky. Southeastern Naturalist. 17(4): 84-89.
2017 J.J. Krupa. American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbieana) diet. Herpetological Review. 48(2): 410-411.
2016 D. E. Jennings, J. J. Krupa, J.R. Rohr. Foraging modality and plasticity in foraging traits determine the strength of competitive interactions among carnivorous plants, spiders, and toads. Journal Animal Ecology. 85: 973–981
2016 L. Potts, J. J. Krupa. Does the dwarf sundew (Drosera brevifolia) attract prey? American Midland Naturalist.175:233-241.
2015 M. J. Lacki, J. J. Krupa, S. P. Lacki. Extralimital movement of Seminole bats (Lasiurus seminolus) into Kentucky. Transactions Kentucky Academy of Sciences. 75(1&2):80-84
2014 P. H., Crowley, K. R Hopper, J. J. Krupa. An insect-feeding guild of carnivorous plants and spiders: does optimal foraging lead to competition or facilitation? American Naturalist. 182(6):801-819.
2013 D. P. Wetzel, J. J. Krupa. Where are the Bluebirds of the Bluegrass? Eastern Bluebird Decline in Central Kentucky. American Midland Naturalist. 169: 398-408.
2010 D. E. Jennings, J. J. Krupa, T. R. Raffel, J. R. Rohr. Evidence for competition between carnivorous plants and spiders. Proceedings of the Royal Society. October 7. 277:3001-3005.
2008 J.L. Larkin, D.S. Maehr, J. Krupa, K. Alexy, J.J. Cox, D. Unger, C. Barton. Small Mammal Response to Vegetation and Soil Conditions on a Reclaimed Surface Mine in Eastern Kentucky. Southeastern Naturalist. 7:401-412.
2006 M. R., Dzialak, T. L. Serfass, C. L. Brown, J. J. Krupa. Fall and winter diet of a reintroduced fisher (Martes pennanti) population in West Virginia and Maryland. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science 77: 7-12.
2006 Krupa, J. J., T. A. Estes, T. J. Crawford, A. M. Schlosser, K. A. Chermak, T. D. Justice, D. L. Riggs, B. M. Larder, J. A. Head, H. T. Schapker, J. T. Forester. Impact of Fire on Small Mammals in a Mixed-mesophytic Forest in Southeastern Kentucky. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science. 66(1):67-70.
- J. J. Krupa, J. Workman, C. M. Lloyd, L. R. Bertram, A. D. Horrall, D. K. Dick, K. S. Brewer, A. M. Valentine, C. Shaw, C. M. Clemons, J. E. Clemons Jr., C. A. Prater, N. J. Campbell, S. B. Armold, N. J. Jones, A. M. Clark. 2001. Distribution of the Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) in an isolated, mix-mesophytic forest in Southeastern Kentucky. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science. 65(1):33-34.
2002 J. J. Krupa, M. J. Lacki. Mammals of Robinson Forest: Species Composition of an isolated, mixed-mesophytic Forest on the Cumberland Plateau in southeastern Kentucky. Special Publications Museum of Texas Tech University. Number 45. 45 pages.
2000 J. J. Krupa, K.N. Geluso. Matching the color of excavated soils: Cryptic coloration in the Plains pocket gopher (Geomys bursarius). Journal of Mammalogy. 81:86-96
2000 G. Englund, J. J. Krupa. Habitat use by crayfish in stream pools: influence of predators, depth and body size. Freshwater Biology. 43:75-83.
1999 J. J. Krupa, A. Sih. Comparison of the behaviour and response to fish predators of two lotic species of water striders. Ethology. 105:1019-1033.
1998 J. J. Krupa, A. Sih. The effects of multiple predators on the mating dynamics of a stream-dwelling water strider. Oecologia. 117:258-265.
1997 K. E. Haskins, J.J. Krupa, A. Sih. Predation risk and social interference as factors influencing habitat selection in two species of stream-dwelling water striders. Behavioral Ecology. 8:351-364.
1998 J. J. Krupa, A. Sih. The effects of multiple predators on the mating dynamics of a stream-dwelling water strider. Oecologia. 117:258-265.
1997 K. E. Haskins, J.J. Krupa, A. Sih. Predation risk and social interference as factors influencing habitat selection in two species of stream-dwelling water striders. Behavioral Ecology. 8:351-364.
1996 M. J. Lauer, A. Sih, J. J. Krupa. Male density, female density, and intersexual conflict in a stream-dwelling insect. Animal Behaviour. 52:929-939.
1996 L. Rowe, J.J. Krupa, A. Sih. An experimental test of condition dependent mating behavior and habitat choice by water striders in the wild. Behavioral Ecology. 7:474-479.
1996 M. Lauer, J. J. Krupa, K. E. Haskins, D. Miller. New county records for the West Virginia white (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Pieris virginiensis) in Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science. 57:128-129.
1996 A. Sih, J. J. Krupa. Direct and indirect effects of multiple enemies on water strider mating dynamics. Oecologica. 105:179-188.
1996 J. J. Krupa, K. E. Haskins. Invasion of the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) into southeastern Kentucky and the impact on the southern bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi). American Midland Naturalist. 135:14-22.
1996 G. Arnqvist, L. Rowe, J. J. Krupa, A. Sih. Assortative mating in water striders. I. meta-analysis of patterns. Evolutionary Ecology. 10:265-284.
1995 J.J. Krupa. How likely is male mate choice in anurans? Behaviour. 132: 643-664.
1995 J.J. Krupa. Woodhouse toad (Bufo woodhousei) fecundity. Herpetological Review. 26:142-144.
1995 A. Sih, J.J. Krupa. Interacting effects of predation risk, sex ratio and density on male/female conflicts and mating dynamics of stream water striders. Behavioral Ecology. 6:316-325.
1994 L. Rowe, G. Arnqvist, A. Sih, J.J. Krupa. Sexual conflict and the evolutionary ecology of water strider mating systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 9:289-293.
1994 J.J. Krupa. Breeding biology of the Great Plains toad in Oklahoma. Journal of Herpetology. 28:217-224.
1993 J.J. Krupa, A.Sih. Experimental studies on water strider mating dynamics: spatial variation in density and sex ratio. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 33:107-120.
1992 A. Sih, J.J. Krupa. Factors influencing the nonrandom mating patterns in a semi-aquatic insect. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 31:51-56.
1991 J. J. Krupa, W. Leopold, A. Sih. Behavioural shifts by female water striders in response to single males. Behaviour. 115 (3-4):247-253.
1990 A. Sih, J. J. Krupa, S. Travers. An experimental study on the effects of predation risk and food deprivation on the mating behavior of the water strider. American Naturalist. 135:284-290.
1990 J. J. Krupa. Influence of body size and temperature on the advertisement call of the Great Plains toad. Copeia. 1990(3):880-882.
1990 J. J. Krupa. The Great Plains toad, Bufo cognatus. Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 457:1-8.
1989 J. J. Krupa. Alternative mating tactics in the Great Plains toad. Animal Behaviour. 37:1035-1043.
1988 J. J. Krupa. Fertilization efficiency in the Great Plains toad, Bufo cognatus. Copeia. 1988(3):800-803.
1986 J. J. Krupa. Distribution of the bird-voiced treefrog (Hyla avivoca) in Oklahoma. Proceeding of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 66:37-38.
1986 J. J. Krupa. Anuran breeding dates in central Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Herpetology Society. 11(1-4):10-13.
1986 J. J. Krupa. Perch preference by the fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) under experimental conditions. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Herpetology Society. 11(1-4):6-9.
1986 J. J. Krupa. Multiple clutch production in the Great Plains toad. Prairie Naturalist. 18(3):151-152.
1985 J. J. Krupa, S. M. Secor, G. Sievert. Observations on the bird-voiced treefrog in Oklahoma: the first resighting after 23 years. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Herpetology Society. 10(1-2):8-10.
1985 J. J. Krupa. Dasypeltis scabra (African egg-eating snake). Feeding. Herpetological Review. 16(3):79.
1985 J. J. Krupa. Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus (Red-lipped lizard). Injuries. Herpetological Review. 16(2):54.
1979 R. E. Ballinger, J. W. Neitfeldt, J. J. Krupa. An experimental analysis of the role of the tail in attaining high speeds in Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Reptilia; Squamata: Lacertilia). Herpetologica 35:114-115.