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UK Clubs & Activities


The UK Greenthumb Environmental Club was founded at UK in 1993 and is the oldest student-run environmental organization in the Commonwealth. Greenthumb is engaged in environmental activism on campus and beyond. Currently, much of Greenthumb's work is focused on pushing for a more sustainable campus. In the past, Greenthumb members have lobbied for change on campus by holding various positions within Student Government, the President's Sustainability Advisory Committee, the Student Sustainability Council, the original Sustainability Task Force and other university bodies. Contact:

Campus Kitchens (CKUK)

The Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky (CKUK) is an on-campus student service organization that was established in April, 2014 with faculty support from the Department of Dietetics & Human Nutrition. CKUK is an affiliate of the national The Campus Kitchens Project (CKP), which provides a sustainable approach to reducing food waste on college campuses while also providing healthy meals to those struggling with hunger. Contact; Website.

Student Sustainability Council (SSC)

The Student Sustainability Council was formed to supervise the distribution of the Environmental Stewardship Fee in order to responsibly advance the theory, practice, and reality of sustainability at the University of Kentucky. Any member of the University of Kentucky community can submit a proposal for funding support. If you have an idea for a project that will enhance the culture of sustainability on UK's campus, you are encouraged to submit a project proposal. Contact:; Website.

Political Ecology Working Group (PEWG)

The Political Ecology Working Group is an interdisciplinary group of scholars at the University of Kentucky united by interests in the theory and practice of Political Ecology. The group provides a simulating intellectual environment for critical discussions of nature, the environment, societies, economies, and cultures. It serves the academic community at UK by holding public lectures and events featuring researches from around the world, and hosting the annual Dimensions of Political Ecology (DOPE) conference. Contact:; DOPE's Website.

Lexington Environmental Youth Outreach (LEYO)

LEYO is an organization with the goal to bridge the environmental education/experience divide. LEYO works with William Wells Brown Elementary School in Lexington, KY to conduct biweekly educational activities for fourth/fifth graders that make the environment relevant and interesting. Our goal is to promote passion for sustainability issues while providing marginalized youth in Lexington with skills necessary to combat environmental injustices. LEYO will utilize UK undergraduates as Sustainability Mentors to mentor students during activities and on a once-a-semester excursion trip. Contact:

United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)

USAS is a social justice organization focused on labor-related issues. Sweatshops, or "any working environment considered to be unacceptably difficult or dangerous", still exist, even in the United States. Here at UK, USAS works with the surrounding community to ensure that UK is not involved or creating sweatshop-like conditions. They have previously worked with the UK Bookstore, the UK Board of Trustees, and President Eli Capilouto to cut ties with corporations that affiliate with sweatshops abroad. Contact:; Facebook; BBNvolved

UK Solar Car Team

The University of Kentucky Solar Car team is an independent, student-led organization that operates on UK's campus through the College of Engineering. The team was formed in 1999--nearly 16 years ago, and is one of the largest student engineering organizations on campus. With a large and active student body, the team works during the school year to design and construct solar vehicles which are used in STEM outreach and to compete in national competitions which include the Formula Sun Grand Prix, and the American Solar Challenge. Contact:; Website; BBNvolved.

SSTOP Hunger: Sustainable Solutions to Overcome Poverty

SSTOP HUnger leads the University of Kentucky in the War on Hunger. The committee unites the Universities Fighting World Hunger and Presidents United to Solve Hunger chapters on campus. On December 9, 2014, UK President Eli Capilouto signed the President's Commitment to Food and Nutrition Security at the United Nations in New York City, a declaration acknowledging the University's commitment to making food insecurity a priority. SSTOP Hunger's purpose is to support on-campus initiatives and organizations with a focus on solving hunger and malnutrition to fulfill the missions of Universities Fighting World Hunger and Presidents United to Solve Hunger. They do this by facilitating communication between and providing resources to hunger-related organizations at the University of Kentucky in order to engage faculty, staff, and students across disciplines in developing and implimenting a strategy to end hunger through hunger awareness and consciousness-raising, fundraising, advocacy, and academic initiative (teaching, research, and outreach). BBNvolved.

Horticulture Club

The University of Kentucky Horticulture Club encourages students from all different backgrounds to come together and enjoy the nature around them. Students will gain experience and knowledge working in close relations with professors, the farm, and greenhouses. The club focuses on raising indoor tropical plants, native plants for restoration projects, and fresh produce from our research farm. Contact:; Facebook; BBNvolved.