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About Us

ENS Program Description 

What can an Environmental & Sustainability Studies degree do for you?

Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ENS) is an interdisciplinary field that prepares students to analyze complex environmental problems and create sustainable solutions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Students tailor their coursework by choosing one of three areas of expertise: Economics, Environment, or Society. ENS students gain critical thinking, problem-solving, written and oral communication skills to build a successful green career to help solve the world's environmental challenges. We emphasize "engaged scholarship" where students get real-world experience conducting rigorous, applied, solution-based research in partnership with a variety of nonprofit, public, and private organizations in Lexington and beyond.  As a result, each ENS student is well-prepared to work in the field of sustainability and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Environmental & Sustainability Studies students are able to:

  • Analyze complex environmental and sustainability issues from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Critical thinking skills to create sustainability solutiosn to the planet's environmental challenges
  • Effectively communicate environmental issues and sustainability solutions through scientific and non-scientific writing
  • Recognize and engage in practices that work toward social and environmental justice

Do you intend to make a living by helping shape our environmental future? Choose ENS!