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Academics / Advising


Arts & Sciences Advising Center
Visit or make an appointment with this office if you are a currrently a freshmen or sophomore or have general curriculum questions involving UK Core, substitutions, transfer credit, withdrawals, and changes of major/minor. They are located in Room 202 of Patterson Office Tower

ENS Curriculum Advising 
ENS students with 60+ hours will be advised by the current ENS Undergraduate Advisor, Dr. Andy Wood (

When preparing to register for courses, it is important to first do a degree audit through GPS in MyUK to identify what course requirements you need to meet.

ENS students are not limited to only those area of expertise classes listed in your degree audit. Many ENS-relevant courses are taught each semester. If you enroll in an elective that is not listed in your degree audit, please make sure to notify the ENS Undergraduate Advisor.